Monday, July 27, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

One of My Dreams

Some day in a few years, you're going to see some Balenciaga/Chanel-toting bitch in Chanel sunglasses speeding/driving a red (hopefully) E30 convertible up & down Highway 1 while blasting some death metal (probably Bloodbath) aimlessly all day long. That's going to be me. And it's going to happen. Just you wait and see.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Awkward Conversations Rock

Today, I was at the Costco in Almaden with my mom. I wandered around until I found myself in the pharmacy/over the counter area. There was box with forty condoms in it! That's the most I've ever seen! Well, four more than the economy sized ones that they sell at CVS, but still! Forty! On the way to the parking lot, I had a really awkward conversation with my mom.

Me: So inside that Costco, I saw a box with FORTY condoms in it! Crazy!
Mom: Oh, so that would last you about a year!
Me: *weird look*
Mom: Oh, maybe a month?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I Really Hate De Anza

The first reason why I don't like De Anza is because it feels like high school all over again. Don't get me wrong, high school was cool and all, but not the classes. I like sitting in a five million person lecture hall and not having the professor ever know me. I like not having professors in said lecture hall not give a damn about whether or not I am there (ie. attendance!). I like not having to deal with group discussions and daily assigned readings with responses (unless I'm in some sort of writing class). I like stuff like that.

But most of all, I really hate De Anza because of the absolutely brilliant parking lot design they've got going on. Seriously, it has got to be every Asians' best dream, allowing for driving like idiots, not paying attention to laws and proper driving etiquette. To demonstrate, I've broken it down into several WTF points, labeled A-G.

A - Considering the fact that they only have three (technically, two) known entrances onto campus, this spot has a lot of congestion. This point has several pedestrian crosswalks and fifty stop signs too many, thus leading to a long line of traffic and people constantly missing the stoplight. In addition, at any given class time, it is nearly impossible to turn out of the parking lot onto Campus Drive because people are trying to get in and out all at once.
B - This is a serious WTF point. It's a small intersection, but not really, and somehow you have to do a semi-U-turn to get out of campus from the parking lot? And if you somehow don't register that there's a semi-U-turn to be made, you have to dodge cars leaving their stop signs. Also, the exit can only fit two cars at most, so anymore than that and the roadway is blocked. Epic design fail.
C - Due to people rice rocketting past and the lack of a stop sign, it is nearly impossible to turn into the parking lot at this point.
D - This is just a WTF point. It SEEMS like when you get over here there'd be some sort of exit from the WTF parking lot, but WRONG. COMPLETELY WRONG. It's just a row of a few shrubs laughing maniacally at you for thinking, like any normal human being, that there would be an exit.
F - This is an exit from the parking lot where nobody pays attention to the stop sign and decides to cut in front of you.
G - UGH. This is the WORST PLACE EVER. I don't know who the FUCK thought this was a good idea, but they should probably be crucified. It is almost impossible to get out of Campus Drive from here at any given time because you always have people turning in from Stelling. Now, if they were all heading in one direction (like to the right), it would be all fine and dandy, but they don't. The entrance from Stelling splits off into two lanes, one for people turning right (the cool people) and the other for people going straight or turning left (the motherfuckers). You never really know which lane people are going to go into, and more often than not they'll change lanes really quick, thus confusing people trying to turn into the five feet of space that allows for you to exit Campus Drive onto Stelling. Then you have to play guess what the people are gonna do at the myriad of stop signs opposite from you, and they're doing the same. And if you err on the side of caution, you have a line of twenty pissed off probably-Asians honking at you to move your ass.

Reason number three as to why I hate De Anza is because their website is confusing as fuck and has no relevant information. In addition, everything on there contradicts everything else. And they're not giving me a $54 refund for withdrawing from a class within the withdraw period. WTF.

In short, I really hate De Anza, and some day, I will purchase a bulldozer and bulldoze entrances and exits wherever I please.

Friday, July 10, 2009


I don't really have anything to say, so I don't update. My summer has been pretty boring. I don't do much other than school, work & being not fat. I am going to the beach on Sunday though, so I am really excited. And I can't wait to see a few of my Santa Cruz friends. I miss them a lot.
I had my first midterm for Abnormal Psychology on Thursday. 60 multiple choice questions about 4 chapters worth of material. It was pretty easy. I don't mind this class. It's fairly interesting, and I can see random symptoms of various disorders in people I know. It makes me laugh.
I really, really, really hate Intro to Sociology though. This might be the worst class I've ever taken. This might even be worse than Music in Latin America. It's like a high school class, complete with assigned readings that you have to respond to, taking attendance, and small group discussions. I want to drop this class, but I'm not going to because I want to be done with GEs. Good thing I only have like four more weeks of this bullshit. I hope I survive because every day I go, I want to kill myself.
I'm kind of excited for the summer to end and to go back to school, actually. I love home, but I can only take so much of it.
Off to volleyball!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Current Obsessions

Christian Louboutin Pillow Clutch

Balenciaga Arena Giant Envelope Clutch

Alexander Wang Resort 2010

Louis Vuitton Resort 2010

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Summer school's alright. Both of my classes feel more like high school classes. I'm taking Abnormal Psychology & Intro to Sociology. They're both pretty boring, but they take up a good five hours (10-3~) of my Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
I've got volleyball on Mondays through Thursdays at various times as of now. The Lynbrook open gym is pretty cool, most of the time. Billy is my favorite. The Monta Vista open gym is pretty sucky because it's not even a real open gym. I hate playing six on six when it is unnecessary. Plus it's a giant waste of time. However, work starts sometime soon and hopefully I'll be working Monday, Friday & Saturday mornings, as well as Tuesday and Thursday evenings so I won't have to go to MV open gyms anymore.
Also, I just got a gym membership at 24 Hour Fitness, so I'm going to try to hit that up Tuesday & Thursday before class, and maybe Fridays & Saturdays too. Gotta stay in shape and not be fat.
Sweet. That's it.