Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Summer school's alright. Both of my classes feel more like high school classes. I'm taking Abnormal Psychology & Intro to Sociology. They're both pretty boring, but they take up a good five hours (10-3~) of my Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
I've got volleyball on Mondays through Thursdays at various times as of now. The Lynbrook open gym is pretty cool, most of the time. Billy is my favorite. The Monta Vista open gym is pretty sucky because it's not even a real open gym. I hate playing six on six when it is unnecessary. Plus it's a giant waste of time. However, work starts sometime soon and hopefully I'll be working Monday, Friday & Saturday mornings, as well as Tuesday and Thursday evenings so I won't have to go to MV open gyms anymore.
Also, I just got a gym membership at 24 Hour Fitness, so I'm going to try to hit that up Tuesday & Thursday before class, and maybe Fridays & Saturdays too. Gotta stay in shape and not be fat.
Sweet. That's it.

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