Halloween Weekend started on Thursday night for me with Orctoberfest! Nekrogoblikon & a Band of Orcs played a show in Santa Cruz at the Vet's Hall. It was super awesome because I have not seen them since May of 2008, and Tim&Ash stayed at my apartment. They put on an amazing show! Their setlist (which I managed to score. Sooo difficult :P) was They Came from Space, Goblins are Better than Trolls, Bears, Army of Goblins, Nekropolis, In the Hall of the Goblin King, Return to the Sky, the Bog, Goblins Ahoy!, and Invasion. Lots of stuff off their new album to be out soon? It was super cool. I was up front the entire time, headbanging, growling & singing my butt off. A Band of Orcs were pretty cool. I missed most of their set because I was outside with Nekrogoblikon, but I did manage to catch two songs, including a cover of Amon Amarth's "Pursuit of Vikings"! I was standing on the side and watching, but when the opening riffs of the song nabbed my attention, naturally, I had to jump in the front and be METAL! The other three bands were alright. The best of the three was Falling to Pieces who were calling themselves a Band of Dorks that night. I don't really remember much about their set, except that they had clean vocals randomly (disliked that) and the vocalist kept talking about her cock and how big it was and how people should suck it. I thought that was very unbecoming. Also, I managed to snag her fake glasses from the show. After the show, Tim, Ash, Nicky, Alex L. from MV, and I went back to my place for some snacks and beers. It was coolz.
Friday night was incredibly epic. My friend, Ian, and I adventured to Oakland, subsequently getting lost because Oakland sucks, to see another one of my most favorite bands, ever, Ghoul! It was my second time seeing them, and boy, it was awesome despite nearly getting crushed by a stage diver, and getting kicked in the head by a stage diver. It was well worth it. And did I mention I also got the set list? Ghoul always puts on a great show, even with technical difficulties. Ross Sewage, excuse me, Cremator's bass pedal decided to not work. Killbot somehow unplugged Digestor's guitar? Regardless, the show was AMAZING. They played As Your Casket Closes, Merde!, Numbskull, Mutant Mutilator, Roadkill, Maniaxe, Graveyard Mosh, Off With Their Heads (new song!), Rise Killbot Rise, Gutbucket Blues, Kids in America, and Splatterthrash as an encore. Also, I had the privilege of seeing Cannabis Corpse, a marijuana-y parody of Cannibal Corpse. They put on a fun show as well, and had a giant bud running around on stage. It was also Brainoil's comeback show, however, they are not really up my alley, therefore I have nothing to say. They weren't too bad. And there were two other bands; the first was pretty terrible, but the second wasn't too bad. They were fun, even though they only had a guitarist & drummer. The guitarist/vocalist cracked a lot of jokes and talked about weed a lot. It was interesting.
Saturday was Halloween! I woke up at about 4 in the afternoon. In my defense, I haven't been sleeping well at all lately and it wasn't like I actually slept until 4. It was a more of a dozing on and off type slumber that ended at 4PM, so I'm not that lazy. I sat around doing nothing for a few hours, waiting to leave for my friend's party until I found out they left at five so that nullified those plans. I was getting ready to bus it to the party when I got wind that they were leaving? That made me mad because it was like I got ready for nothing! Then another one of my friends called me and said she was coming to pick me up to take me to the party so I was like cool! The party was pretty chill. I didn't really eat anything all day so it didn't take much for me to get drunk. I played some drunken foosball and dominated (naturally). Then a bunch of us took a drunktrekadventure to Taco Bell that was about a mile? away. I somehow found myself at Safeway with one of my metal buddies buying bacon and bread so we could make bacon sandwiches. We went back to his house where we made bacon sandwiches! and listened to metal while he tried to smoke me out. (I declined because marijuana & alcohol do not mix for me.) Finally around 2 in the morning I made him walk me back to my other friend's party up a giant hill. It was horrible. And by the time I got back, everyone was asleep somehow. I managed to talk someone into giving me a ride back up to campus and all was well.

Friday night was incredibly epic. My friend, Ian, and I adventured to Oakland, subsequently getting lost because Oakland sucks, to see another one of my most favorite bands, ever, Ghoul! It was my second time seeing them, and boy, it was awesome despite nearly getting crushed by a stage diver, and getting kicked in the head by a stage diver. It was well worth it. And did I mention I also got the set list? Ghoul always puts on a great show, even with technical difficulties. Ross Sewage, excuse me, Cremator's bass pedal decided to not work. Killbot somehow unplugged Digestor's guitar? Regardless, the show was AMAZING. They played As Your Casket Closes, Merde!, Numbskull, Mutant Mutilator, Roadkill, Maniaxe, Graveyard Mosh, Off With Their Heads (new song!), Rise Killbot Rise, Gutbucket Blues, Kids in America, and Splatterthrash as an encore. Also, I had the privilege of seeing Cannabis Corpse, a marijuana-y parody of Cannibal Corpse. They put on a fun show as well, and had a giant bud running around on stage. It was also Brainoil's comeback show, however, they are not really up my alley, therefore I have nothing to say. They weren't too bad. And there were two other bands; the first was pretty terrible, but the second wasn't too bad. They were fun, even though they only had a guitarist & drummer. The guitarist/vocalist cracked a lot of jokes and talked about weed a lot. It was interesting.
Saturday was Halloween! I woke up at about 4 in the afternoon. In my defense, I haven't been sleeping well at all lately and it wasn't like I actually slept until 4. It was a more of a dozing on and off type slumber that ended at 4PM, so I'm not that lazy. I sat around doing nothing for a few hours, waiting to leave for my friend's party until I found out they left at five so that nullified those plans. I was getting ready to bus it to the party when I got wind that they were leaving? That made me mad because it was like I got ready for nothing! Then another one of my friends called me and said she was coming to pick me up to take me to the party so I was like cool! The party was pretty chill. I didn't really eat anything all day so it didn't take much for me to get drunk. I played some drunken foosball and dominated (naturally). Then a bunch of us took a drunktrekadventure to Taco Bell that was about a mile? away. I somehow found myself at Safeway with one of my metal buddies buying bacon and bread so we could make bacon sandwiches. We went back to his house where we made bacon sandwiches! and listened to metal while he tried to smoke me out. (I declined because marijuana & alcohol do not mix for me.) Finally around 2 in the morning I made him walk me back to my other friend's party up a giant hill. It was horrible. And by the time I got back, everyone was asleep somehow. I managed to talk someone into giving me a ride back up to campus and all was well.

1 comment:
haha you can never turn down a game of foosball
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