Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I am embarking on a rad creative adventure, reminiscent of one from my early high school years. Sort of. Needless to say, I am excited and I can't wait to share it!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dear 2010

Please suck less. I would appreciate that.

Thank you.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Sometimes I Forget...

...what awesome friends I have. I found this email waiting for me this morning when I woke up. Needless to say, it completely brightened my day.

"Well, today is that day. I hope yours is okay!
If you're depressed, you'll be like the rest
of the fools who found love, and lost it again, But I know something about you my friend.
Resilient as hell and will fight to the bone, just remember your heart should not be a stone.
So on this clandestine V-day, I hope you will find, That you are among friends and depression will blind.
So pick up those spirits and get some work done, and then go play Volleyball for some fun."

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Common Sense

It never ceases to amaze me how some people have so little common sense, and are completely clueless about the world around them. Not even in the educated sense, just in the what the EFF were you thinking sense.
Take this guy who I will call J, J for Jewish. We used to be okay friends because I was blinded by x (whatever x is). Not anymore because he has slowly managed to piss me off and the rest of the people we live with.
It's not like he's ever done anything big to really aggravate me, but everything little he does slowly accumulates into a giant pile of WTF IS GOING THROUGH YOUR BRAIN!

Incident 1. He keeps a list of how much money people owe him for whatever reason. Doesn't seem like a big deal, right? Wrong. I was on there for fifty cents. FIFTY CENTS. And he wanted it before Thanksgiving. What are you going to go do with that fifty cents? Go Black Friday shopping? Good luck if that even covers your tax.

Incident 2. This was right before winter break after we all agreed to clean the apartment before we left so it didn't sit there developing more filth on top of filth for a month.
Me: Hey J. Did you clean the bathroom before you leave?
J: No.
Me: Why not?
J: There were no paper towels.
Me: Why do you need paper towels? We have sponges.
J: So I can wipe everything up.
Me: Use a sponge?
J: I'll clean it when I get back. Bye.

Seriously? Why the hell do you need paper towels to clean a bathroom? In all of my years of cleaning bathrooms, I have only needed paper towels to Windex mirrors. Provided I was feeling unlazy enough to Windex the mirrors, but that's a different story. Why do you need paper towels to wipe things up? A sink has a faucet where water comes out. People wash their hands; some flail hands wildly. No need for a paper towel because the counter or sink will get wet again. The shower? Same story. The toilet is debatable, but I live in an apartment with four (three at the time) guys. What are the chances of them needing to dump immediately after me cleaning the toilet so the water will not have evaporated? Very slim. Lazy ass prick.

Incident 3. We all agreed to purchasing a bunch of items for our apartment this quarter because we ran out of everything we bought at the beginning of the year. His task was to purchase SOAP, as in hand SOAP. He came home one day, very proud or something, with his soap. I looked at it, saw that it was hand sanitizer, and put it in the closet, because we don't really need hand sanitizer. Sounds okay, right? Wrong. He flipped out because his "soap" was missing. He searched high and low throughout the entire apartment for it, and finally found it in the closet. He griped about it being there. Then proceeded to unpackage it and put it next to the sink. I saw the hand sanitizers out a few days later and put them back in the closet, because you know, they aren't soap. He noticed and griped some more.

Is it really that difficult to distinguish between soap and hand sanitizer? I mean, even if you just glance at the label sanitizer is clearly a longer word. You can't even use hand sanitizer with water, because that's not what it's for! So dumb!

Incident 4. I was talking to my roommate, Alexis. He told me that this morning he needed to print some papers, so he asked J. J was busy so he told Alexis to wake me up so I can print his papers. What the heck? How difficult is it to print a few sheets of paper? Why do you have to wake up someone who is SLEEPING to print a few sheets of paper? And especially considering the fact that I have gotten minimal amounts of sleep for the past few weeks. But of course J wouldn't know that because he sits in his room with the door closed and locked, and hardly sees the light of day.

Incident 5. My other roommate, Alexis, and I are currently thawing a chicken in the plugged (read: PLUGGED, not clogged. PLUGGED) sink. J went to go do his dishes that had pasta sauce and stuff all over it. He took the chicken out of the sink. He did not unplug it, and went about doing his dishes. I emerged from my room to do something and I looked inside the kitchen sink. The water resembled watered down blood with little basil bits floating on top and oil here and there. Needless to say, I was not very pleased because I don't like dirty and disgusting things.

I unplugged the sink and scrubbed all the pasta residue off, then went to confront J about it. I asked him that if the sink was plugged (plugged, not clogged!) the next time he needed to wash whatever to unplug it and then proceed. He told me that the sink was not plugged. What the heck! I plugged the sink, filled it with water and plopped a chicken in it. And it was still very obviously plugged after he did his dishes. How could he NOT see it? He had to take a chicken out of a sink filled with water. How was the water in there? Magic? Then he told me that there was no pasta residue. Again, WTF! No pasta residue, my ass. Pasta sauce has things in it like basil, and oil. Tell me again that there was no pasta residue because I scrubbed that stuff off the sink. THEN he told me that he was waiting for the sink to drain. How is the sink supposed to drain if it's plugged? On top of that, you SAW the drain through the clear water after you took the chicken out. Can drains be clogged if they are empty? No. Of course not unless you have magical powers, which he very well does not have because he couldn't magically drain the sink. I told him again that there was a plug in there and to next time take it out. His response? "We have plugs for the sink?" No, dude. We just have five thousand sink parts lying around for whatever reason. Hello??? The two plugs have been sitting next to the faucet for the entire duration of us living in this apartment. We have two catcher things for food waste, and two plugs. Idiot.

At times I feel like I'm living with a five year old. I shouldn't have to talk to people about these things. It's not that hard. Ugh.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


At least temporarily. I am sitting here waiting for my intramural volleyball game, trying not to fall asleep. It's really hard when you slept at five and woke up at seven to take midterms and do day things. I've completely ruined my sleep schedule this quarter, but I am determined to get it back on track.
I've been in kind of a funk lately. Not really sure what it is, but I feel like I'm caught up in ten thousand emotions. I'm constantly exhausted (sleeping schedule probably doesn't help), and most of the time, I don't really know which way is left, right, up, or down.
Trying to find something other than school that will give me some stability. I start working at the CVS store downtown on Friday, and I have some internship stuff to do tomorrow. Hopefully those two and school will keep me busy until spring break.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Write on Glass

I recently acquired an internship, and by recently, I mean last week I applied, was interviewed the same day, had my references checked out the next two days after and was hired on the spot. My internship is for a small internet startup company called Border Stylo. I will be a Campus Catalyst to market/promote their new web product that could potentially revolutionize the way we use the internet. Everything is pretty hush hush right now, but from the brief explanation I was given, my understanding is that the product will be similar to putting post-it notes on the internet.
Glass, the product, is set to launch at the end of February. In the meantime, I will have invite codes to let whoever I want test out the product.
I'm really excited about this; I think it is really cool. Plus, it'll kind of be like high school all over again. Kind of, minus the classes and planning actual events.
Anyway, for more information, check out the website here, http://www.writeonglass.com. And when codes are given out, hit me up for one and check it out!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm So Boring!

Haven't really had anything noteworthy to blog about other than random rants that I kind of gave up on ranting about.
Here are a few bullet points of the past few weeks:
- I hate the Kresge mailroom. Not just because of a giant mishap with a phone that was overnighted to me, but because of their incompetence in general. When an envelope says "Do not bend" you probably should not bend it. Add to that, the mailroom boss, let's call her Kia Parks Bitch, felt the need to address me about my incredible moment of hatred towards the mailroom. I'm Facebook friends with two of the girls who work in there, and I was very unhappy with the phone incident (broken phone, broken charger) so naturally, I vented on Facebook. One of the girls, probably the Jesus loving, trailer park living one, copied&pasted and emailed it to Kia Parks Bitch, like a little baby. I was in the Kresge advising office using their phone, trying to see if I could get a new phone, she told that I was disrespectful and hurtful because of the status I posted. The girls in the mailroom work very hard and they hardly get paid anything for it. And I hurt her feelings. Cry, cry, cry. The girls in the mailroom work very hard, my ass. This isn't even hard work. What is so difficult about sorting mail and sticking it in slots? What is so difficult about writing people's names on their packages, filling in package slips, then filling in a binder with package slip info? What is so difficult about not bending an envelope when it says "Do not bend"? Oh wait... NOTHING. And my roommate tells me they get paid $10 to be incompetent 'cause he applied for a job with the mailroom. Cry to me again?
- I have a new phone! LG EnV Touch. It's pretty cool. Still trying to get used to it.
- I am a dancing MACHINE! And it's great. The last three parties I've been to have been dance parties and they have all rocked my socks off. Also apparently my booty shaking, nonexistent Bhangra skills are to be envied by all. They also effectively clear a dance floor. EXCELLENT.
- I am a slacker. I hate school.

I think that's it.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I don't know why

but I've been really lost and confused lately. I don't know how to adequately express my thoughts and feelings either, and that makes me really frustrated.
College has turned into just college, and I'm ready to be done with it.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I have a feeling that this quarter is going to be insanely long and insanely stressful. At least I have Fridays off! :)
Dreading Finals Week already though. How did I manage to land three finals in one day...? Must see if I can somehow get that changed.