I suppose it's time for a much needed update. In a way, I'm hoping that by not updating, everything will cease to end, but alas, it is not true. Things are back to the way they used to be, maybe even a little bit more deteriorated. Brad is home in Washington; I am here, trying not to be sad. And outside, the world moves on.
Thursday, February 12th
I rented a Zipcar, quite a nifty little thing, really. You pay a flat membership fee (for me, $35) and you have wheels at your pleasure, provided that they haven't been reserved. Depending on the car, the rates are $8+/hr and $65+/day. Also, they have a Toyota Matrix ($8/hr) and a Toyota Prius ($10/hr) right outside the intersection of Heller and McLaughlin where the bus stop is, just a stone's throw away from my apartment. Anyway, I rented a Zipcar and drove at 7 in the morning down Highway 1 & 17 to pick Brad up from the airport.
I love that first moment of seeing him standing there, then running into his arms, and the first kiss after beeing apart for months. It makes the endless distance and waiting so worth it.
We drove back and grabbed food at Kresge College's Owl's Nest Cafe, and then cuddled for a bit until I had to go to volleyball. He came with me to class and watched me play. It was his first time seeing me do anything volleyball related! Sadly, I didn't have a really good day/I didn't touch the ball very much because people suck. However, I did get some badass hits, a PANCAKE (omg, so gloriously beautiful. Also that was two pancakes in one week), a few digs, and some aces, which was kinda cool.

That's a pancake! Except mine was even more legit. It bounced off my palm perfectly.
Then we went back to my apartment, and took a nap. I woke up after about an hour and studied for my chem midterm the next day. We went to Tacos Moreno up at Crown/Merrill which has pretty awesome burritos and nachos and stuff. After that, I took him wandering down Merrill where we encountered some guy completely thizzed out of his mind who talked to us for about 30 minutes about metal. We, then, wandered over to Stevenson and met up with my friend, Thomas, for a little bit and hung out. Brad and I got tired and walked back to my apartment, and climbed into my bed and cuddled and watched "Rush Hour 3". It was cool.
Friday, February 13th
I woke up and took my chem midterm, headed over to the Porter/Kresge dining hall to grab a meal-to-go filled with breakfast shenanigans, and went back to my room where Brad was sleeping. Then we slept on and off, periodically getting woken up by my roommates coming in and out of the room, until about 1:30PM where we finally got out of be. We ate breakfast/lunch and listened to all the people going to Tahoe bicker, argue, bitch, and whine about going to Tahoe until they finally left. Then Brad and I went wandering around campus again and I dropped off my math homework at Jack Baskin Engineering. We hiked over around the library and stomped around the mud a bit till we got to the ARC. There is a huge meadow next to the ARC where we stomped around some more and filled in those little ground squirrel holes. It was fun!

I love torturing little animals. Kinda. Then we headed back to my apartment and dicked around for a bit before going downtown to see "Friday the Thirteenth".

It was cool. Really brutal, and gore-y-ish, and terror inducing. Also the soundtrack was composed by Steve Jablonsky who did "Transformers", but I will admit that I did not pay much attention to the background music. If anything, there were a lot of dark, and ominous tones. I'm not going to spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it! Maybe I will blog about this later. I have to say, I enjoyed the original "Friday the Thirteenth" a lot more. Probably because it was ridiculously cheesy and silly. Post-movie, Brad and I went to Longs to stock up on alcohol (a HANDLE of Jagermeister<3, a handle of Svedka for Nolan and Jackson, and a fifth of Bailey's for Tim), milk and white-out. Then we went to Woodstock's for pizza! After much deliberation, we decided on the BBQ chicken over the all meat orgy. Now that I think about it, we probably should have gotten the all meat orgy, but the BBQ chicken was pretty excellent as well. Brad thinks Jake's BBQ chicken pizza is better than Woodstock's though. Oh well.
Saturday, February 14th
This was my first Valentine's Day actually with Brad. In fact, it was my first Valentine's Day with any boyfriend, for realsies! We woke up around 2PM, ate some clam chowder and went downtown to explore, and eventually back to eat for Valentine's Day dinner. We got caught up with a bunch of things, and ended up staying later than we'd thought, so we nixed the going back to campus to change and then go back downtown. We switched around some of our plans. We cleaned the kitchen because I'm pretty sure it has AIDS. And then, he made me dinner while I made awesome Reese's Peanut Butter Cup brownies! It was really cool :) We had pasta, and he made the sauce, not from a jar! Inside there were mushrooms, sausage and basil. It was yummy. I wish I had more, and I wish I took a picture! It was quite the odd Valentine's Day dinner. We were headbanging to Hate Eternal. Brad was drinking Widmer Hefeweizen and I was drinking Arbor Mist.

This picture doesn't quite do the metal justice. Namely because when you make the horns, YOU DO NOT STICK YOUR THUMB OUT. Anyway, I guess that if we ever get married and have kids or nieces and nephews or whatever, it'll be one of many stories we have to share. After the Hate Eternal, I decided that in light of Valentine's Day, it was time to listen to my arsenal of cheesy music! So we listened to our song (Carlos Santana's "Love of my Life", in case you were wondering), and we danced around the kitchen. Then I played "Can I Have This Dance" from "High School Musical 3" which I absolutely LOOOVE, and we danced the kitchen some more. Then we both decided that it was enough cheesy music, and we put on Bloodbath's "Nightmares Made Flesh" and stomped around the room. I love Bloodbath. I can't wait until they tour. Brad says they'll probably end up touring after Opeth is done touring, and I AM SO EXCITED. I am such a fangirl to the MAX. Yes.
After that, Brad helped me rearrange my desk and drawers so I have more space-ish. I like it a lot better because my back is to everyone who comes in the door, so I can just ignore everyone. Awesome.
Sunday, February 15
Brad and I woke up late and he made me breakfast! It was ballin'. Sausage and scrambled eggs. We did our laundry for like four hours since three of the six washing machines were broken, and some girl did like fifty loads of laundry. While we waited, we played some intense bad ping pong, and later, we went to the Kresge Rec Room and played some miserable pool; miserable meaning I lost badly to my boyfriend, the pool champion. We came back after finishing laundry to find out that Nicole and Jeremy came home from Tahoe a bit early. Jeremy had a midterm to study for and Nicole somehow hurt herself while sledding.

I googled sledding accident and that's what came up. Um. Yeah.
Then Brad and I dressed up sort of and went to dinner at Sabieng, AKA the best Thai food in Santa Cruz, but not as good as Layang Layang or Krungthai. Afterwards, we walked to Longs in the pouring rain to purchase one of those big Sterilite drawers for the top of my dresser so I can organize things more nicely. They were on sale for 25% off, but the BIGGEST ONES were on Last Chance for $10.50! SCORE!!! :) So we went back to my apartment with that and we gave it a bath because it was kind of dirty and put all my things in it. Then we drank with Paul, Nolan, Jackson, John and Jeremy. It was John's first time drinking too! Crazy! Also, I fucking love Jagermeister.

Yes, that is a Jagermeister E30 M3. Two fucking awesome things in one.
And that was pretty much the night + John puking and me puking after drinking Jager and a screwdriver and not smoking like a pussy and then falling asleep on the couch watching South Park. Also, I had this intense craving for bacon and Paul made some bacon before Brad and I went to bed and he gave me a piece because I made brownies and gave him pizza.
Monday, February 16
We woke up kind of late again and went to eat breakfast at 9/10 which goes until 3PM. BUT THERE WAS NO MORE BREAKFAST. It was semi-saddening. Instead, we resorted to eating the never changing food that 9/10 has: pizza, tacos/burritos/quesadillas, soups, salads, sandwiches, drinks, fruits and desserts. :( Gross. It started raining again, and we wandered around 9/10 for a bit and then headed back to my apartment. After that we went downtown and sort of wandered around some more. I found out that the Pacific Trading Co. sells the True Religion Stella skinny jeans that I want so I must stalk that place until they go on sale or something! After a while, it started getting dark, and cold and the stores closed, so we took the 16 back up to Bay/Mission so we could eat at the Greek place, Vasili's. When we got there it was CLOSED. Because for some reason, the store is CLOSED on Mondays. It was so lame. We ended up walking down Mission until it turned into Highway 1 again, to find food, but there was NONE. So we went to this restaurant that was semi-high end called HAWGS Seafood Bar. The food was pretty good, and we were both really hungry! AND I SATISFIED MY CREME BRULEE CRAVING. It was amazing. Then we went back to my apartment where everyone was back. Brad and I then watched "Gothika" which really isn't that scary anymore. I don't know why it used to scare me so much. But it's not that scary.
Also, Monday was our one year and nine month anniversary. COOL.
Tuesday, February 17
Originally we were going to wake up at 9 and go to breakfast, but that kind of didn't work out, and we ended up waking up at 11 so I could go to volleyball. Volleyball was kind of dumb, again. It made me sad. I wanted Brad to see me play well. We ate and we went back to my apartment and showered. I started to get really sad, and we climbed into my bed, locked the door, and cuddled. Then it gets awesome, except that's being really sarcastic.
Lisa tried to get in the room but she couldn't because it was locked. Then she said she was going to get her key, so she got her key and tried to unlock the door, but she couldn't? I don't understand how difficult it is to open a door with a key because it really isn't. Then she went back and got Eli and started screaming and swearing and flipping out. They both began banging on the door really annoyingly hoping to annoy us into opening the door, or something I guess when they had a key! Lisa started swearing at us and that made Brad mad because he was dealing with me being upset about him leaving so he called her a stupid bitch, and she flipped out even more and went crazy. Finally, he got fed up and opened the door and started yelling at them for not being able to open the door even though she had her key. Then she started screaming about him staying here and not being considerate or disrespectful or whatever and about how she lives here. Then he retorted with if she lived here then maybe she should carry a key on her because that is logical and the best solution. It was obvious that she got owned because then she started screaming about irrelevant shit, like being called a stupid bitch. She was shrieking about him not even knowing her and calling her a stupid bitch. And it was kind of like duh, he doesn't know you, but he knows enough from me and from encounters with her to deduct that she's a stupid bitch. It was GG x2 because then she resorted to screaming about him sitting on her bed. Not even kidding. She was like "Well, then get off my bed!". Eli and Jay got all up in Brad's face, and made him even more mad too. It was the stupidest and most pointless thing ever. But it was kind of funny because they were getting owned so hardcore. Brad was like "Sorry, I have more important things to deal with than you not being able to manipulate a key properly." And looking for an excuse to escape, Eli was like ZOMG, he said sorry, let's go Lisa. Then Lisa was like *shriekscream* "Fuck you" to Brad and they both flounced out.
That kind of ruined the cuddling that went on prior to the dumbness because Brad was pissed off. We hung out for a bit and then Brad came up with the best idea ever. He took down the signs that Nicole and Lisa put up for me and on the back of Lisa's he wrote a message: "Don't be a lock nazi... seriously. <3 Bradley" Then he drew a picture of a swastika in a circle with a slash through it. It made me laugh. And before we left for the airport, he put it up on the door and locked it and we left through the side door.
I wish I got a picture of it before they took it down, because when I got back it was gone. :(
The drive to the airport was fairly uneventful. When we got there, Brad's flight was delayed by like half an hour which made me a bit happier because that meant thirty more minutes with him. I was a mess by the time we got there, which kind of sucked. I hate it, but I can't help it. Then he had to go through security and it sucked even more. I had to pull myself together to drive back.
When I got onto 880, there was massive amounts of traffic 'cause there was an accident, so I didn't really get onto 17 until about 8PM. While stuck in traffic, I called Zipcar and extended my reservation from 8:30PM until 9PM so I didn't get charged late fees. Then it started raining, so it took me about an hour to navigate through 17 and back up to campus. I made it back at 8:50 and I missed my intramural volleyball game.
Santa Cruz sucks without Brad :( and this apartment sucks even more. Also it's kind of awkward and lonely again. I miss him a lot.
And that's basically it.
I miss having him here so much. It was such a nice break from the usual college boredom, semi-loneliness, and schoolwork. :( I can't wait until I see him again. So for now, it's back to what I've been doing for the past five months. Lots of joy and fun. Sigh.

Thursday, February 12th
I rented a Zipcar, quite a nifty little thing, really. You pay a flat membership fee (for me, $35) and you have wheels at your pleasure, provided that they haven't been reserved. Depending on the car, the rates are $8+/hr and $65+/day. Also, they have a Toyota Matrix ($8/hr) and a Toyota Prius ($10/hr) right outside the intersection of Heller and McLaughlin where the bus stop is, just a stone's throw away from my apartment. Anyway, I rented a Zipcar and drove at 7 in the morning down Highway 1 & 17 to pick Brad up from the airport.
I love that first moment of seeing him standing there, then running into his arms, and the first kiss after beeing apart for months. It makes the endless distance and waiting so worth it.
We drove back and grabbed food at Kresge College's Owl's Nest Cafe, and then cuddled for a bit until I had to go to volleyball. He came with me to class and watched me play. It was his first time seeing me do anything volleyball related! Sadly, I didn't have a really good day/I didn't touch the ball very much because people suck. However, I did get some badass hits, a PANCAKE (omg, so gloriously beautiful. Also that was two pancakes in one week), a few digs, and some aces, which was kinda cool.

That's a pancake! Except mine was even more legit. It bounced off my palm perfectly.
Then we went back to my apartment, and took a nap. I woke up after about an hour and studied for my chem midterm the next day. We went to Tacos Moreno up at Crown/Merrill which has pretty awesome burritos and nachos and stuff. After that, I took him wandering down Merrill where we encountered some guy completely thizzed out of his mind who talked to us for about 30 minutes about metal. We, then, wandered over to Stevenson and met up with my friend, Thomas, for a little bit and hung out. Brad and I got tired and walked back to my apartment, and climbed into my bed and cuddled and watched "Rush Hour 3". It was cool.
Friday, February 13th
I woke up and took my chem midterm, headed over to the Porter/Kresge dining hall to grab a meal-to-go filled with breakfast shenanigans, and went back to my room where Brad was sleeping. Then we slept on and off, periodically getting woken up by my roommates coming in and out of the room, until about 1:30PM where we finally got out of be. We ate breakfast/lunch and listened to all the people going to Tahoe bicker, argue, bitch, and whine about going to Tahoe until they finally left. Then Brad and I went wandering around campus again and I dropped off my math homework at Jack Baskin Engineering. We hiked over around the library and stomped around the mud a bit till we got to the ARC. There is a huge meadow next to the ARC where we stomped around some more and filled in those little ground squirrel holes. It was fun!

I love torturing little animals. Kinda. Then we headed back to my apartment and dicked around for a bit before going downtown to see "Friday the Thirteenth".

It was cool. Really brutal, and gore-y-ish, and terror inducing. Also the soundtrack was composed by Steve Jablonsky who did "Transformers", but I will admit that I did not pay much attention to the background music. If anything, there were a lot of dark, and ominous tones. I'm not going to spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it! Maybe I will blog about this later. I have to say, I enjoyed the original "Friday the Thirteenth" a lot more. Probably because it was ridiculously cheesy and silly. Post-movie, Brad and I went to Longs to stock up on alcohol (a HANDLE of Jagermeister<3, a handle of Svedka for Nolan and Jackson, and a fifth of Bailey's for Tim), milk and white-out. Then we went to Woodstock's for pizza! After much deliberation, we decided on the BBQ chicken over the all meat orgy. Now that I think about it, we probably should have gotten the all meat orgy, but the BBQ chicken was pretty excellent as well. Brad thinks Jake's BBQ chicken pizza is better than Woodstock's though. Oh well.
Saturday, February 14th
This was my first Valentine's Day actually with Brad. In fact, it was my first Valentine's Day with any boyfriend, for realsies! We woke up around 2PM, ate some clam chowder and went downtown to explore, and eventually back to eat for Valentine's Day dinner. We got caught up with a bunch of things, and ended up staying later than we'd thought, so we nixed the going back to campus to change and then go back downtown. We switched around some of our plans. We cleaned the kitchen because I'm pretty sure it has AIDS. And then, he made me dinner while I made awesome Reese's Peanut Butter Cup brownies! It was really cool :) We had pasta, and he made the sauce, not from a jar! Inside there were mushrooms, sausage and basil. It was yummy. I wish I had more, and I wish I took a picture! It was quite the odd Valentine's Day dinner. We were headbanging to Hate Eternal. Brad was drinking Widmer Hefeweizen and I was drinking Arbor Mist.

This picture doesn't quite do the metal justice. Namely because when you make the horns, YOU DO NOT STICK YOUR THUMB OUT. Anyway, I guess that if we ever get married and have kids or nieces and nephews or whatever, it'll be one of many stories we have to share. After the Hate Eternal, I decided that in light of Valentine's Day, it was time to listen to my arsenal of cheesy music! So we listened to our song (Carlos Santana's "Love of my Life", in case you were wondering), and we danced around the kitchen. Then I played "Can I Have This Dance" from "High School Musical 3" which I absolutely LOOOVE, and we danced the kitchen some more. Then we both decided that it was enough cheesy music, and we put on Bloodbath's "Nightmares Made Flesh" and stomped around the room. I love Bloodbath. I can't wait until they tour. Brad says they'll probably end up touring after Opeth is done touring, and I AM SO EXCITED. I am such a fangirl to the MAX. Yes.
After that, Brad helped me rearrange my desk and drawers so I have more space-ish. I like it a lot better because my back is to everyone who comes in the door, so I can just ignore everyone. Awesome.
Sunday, February 15
Brad and I woke up late and he made me breakfast! It was ballin'. Sausage and scrambled eggs. We did our laundry for like four hours since three of the six washing machines were broken, and some girl did like fifty loads of laundry. While we waited, we played some intense bad ping pong, and later, we went to the Kresge Rec Room and played some miserable pool; miserable meaning I lost badly to my boyfriend, the pool champion. We came back after finishing laundry to find out that Nicole and Jeremy came home from Tahoe a bit early. Jeremy had a midterm to study for and Nicole somehow hurt herself while sledding.

I googled sledding accident and that's what came up. Um. Yeah.
Then Brad and I dressed up sort of and went to dinner at Sabieng, AKA the best Thai food in Santa Cruz, but not as good as Layang Layang or Krungthai. Afterwards, we walked to Longs in the pouring rain to purchase one of those big Sterilite drawers for the top of my dresser so I can organize things more nicely. They were on sale for 25% off, but the BIGGEST ONES were on Last Chance for $10.50! SCORE!!! :) So we went back to my apartment with that and we gave it a bath because it was kind of dirty and put all my things in it. Then we drank with Paul, Nolan, Jackson, John and Jeremy. It was John's first time drinking too! Crazy! Also, I fucking love Jagermeister.

Yes, that is a Jagermeister E30 M3. Two fucking awesome things in one.
And that was pretty much the night + John puking and me puking after drinking Jager and a screwdriver and not smoking like a pussy and then falling asleep on the couch watching South Park. Also, I had this intense craving for bacon and Paul made some bacon before Brad and I went to bed and he gave me a piece because I made brownies and gave him pizza.
We woke up kind of late again and went to eat breakfast at 9/10 which goes until 3PM. BUT THERE WAS NO MORE BREAKFAST. It was semi-saddening. Instead, we resorted to eating the never changing food that 9/10 has: pizza, tacos/burritos/quesadillas, soups, salads, sandwiches, drinks, fruits and desserts. :( Gross. It started raining again, and we wandered around 9/10 for a bit and then headed back to my apartment. After that we went downtown and sort of wandered around some more. I found out that the Pacific Trading Co. sells the True Religion Stella skinny jeans that I want so I must stalk that place until they go on sale or something! After a while, it started getting dark, and cold and the stores closed, so we took the 16 back up to Bay/Mission so we could eat at the Greek place, Vasili's. When we got there it was CLOSED. Because for some reason, the store is CLOSED on Mondays. It was so lame. We ended up walking down Mission until it turned into Highway 1 again, to find food, but there was NONE. So we went to this restaurant that was semi-high end called HAWGS Seafood Bar. The food was pretty good, and we were both really hungry! AND I SATISFIED MY CREME BRULEE CRAVING. It was amazing. Then we went back to my apartment where everyone was back. Brad and I then watched "Gothika" which really isn't that scary anymore. I don't know why it used to scare me so much. But it's not that scary.
Also, Monday was our one year and nine month anniversary. COOL.
Tuesday, February 17
Originally we were going to wake up at 9 and go to breakfast, but that kind of didn't work out, and we ended up waking up at 11 so I could go to volleyball. Volleyball was kind of dumb, again. It made me sad. I wanted Brad to see me play well. We ate and we went back to my apartment and showered. I started to get really sad, and we climbed into my bed, locked the door, and cuddled. Then it gets awesome, except that's being really sarcastic.
Lisa tried to get in the room but she couldn't because it was locked. Then she said she was going to get her key, so she got her key and tried to unlock the door, but she couldn't? I don't understand how difficult it is to open a door with a key because it really isn't. Then she went back and got Eli and started screaming and swearing and flipping out. They both began banging on the door really annoyingly hoping to annoy us into opening the door, or something I guess when they had a key! Lisa started swearing at us and that made Brad mad because he was dealing with me being upset about him leaving so he called her a stupid bitch, and she flipped out even more and went crazy. Finally, he got fed up and opened the door and started yelling at them for not being able to open the door even though she had her key. Then she started screaming about him staying here and not being considerate or disrespectful or whatever and about how she lives here. Then he retorted with if she lived here then maybe she should carry a key on her because that is logical and the best solution. It was obvious that she got owned because then she started screaming about irrelevant shit, like being called a stupid bitch. She was shrieking about him not even knowing her and calling her a stupid bitch. And it was kind of like duh, he doesn't know you, but he knows enough from me and from encounters with her to deduct that she's a stupid bitch. It was GG x2 because then she resorted to screaming about him sitting on her bed. Not even kidding. She was like "Well, then get off my bed!". Eli and Jay got all up in Brad's face, and made him even more mad too. It was the stupidest and most pointless thing ever. But it was kind of funny because they were getting owned so hardcore. Brad was like "Sorry, I have more important things to deal with than you not being able to manipulate a key properly." And looking for an excuse to escape, Eli was like ZOMG, he said sorry, let's go Lisa. Then Lisa was like *shriekscream* "Fuck you" to Brad and they both flounced out.
That kind of ruined the cuddling that went on prior to the dumbness because Brad was pissed off. We hung out for a bit and then Brad came up with the best idea ever. He took down the signs that Nicole and Lisa put up for me and on the back of Lisa's he wrote a message: "Don't be a lock nazi... seriously. <3 Bradley" Then he drew a picture of a swastika in a circle with a slash through it. It made me laugh. And before we left for the airport, he put it up on the door and locked it and we left through the side door.
I wish I got a picture of it before they took it down, because when I got back it was gone. :(
The drive to the airport was fairly uneventful. When we got there, Brad's flight was delayed by like half an hour which made me a bit happier because that meant thirty more minutes with him. I was a mess by the time we got there, which kind of sucked. I hate it, but I can't help it. Then he had to go through security and it sucked even more. I had to pull myself together to drive back.
When I got onto 880, there was massive amounts of traffic 'cause there was an accident, so I didn't really get onto 17 until about 8PM. While stuck in traffic, I called Zipcar and extended my reservation from 8:30PM until 9PM so I didn't get charged late fees. Then it started raining, so it took me about an hour to navigate through 17 and back up to campus. I made it back at 8:50 and I missed my intramural volleyball game.
Santa Cruz sucks without Brad :( and this apartment sucks even more. Also it's kind of awkward and lonely again. I miss him a lot.
And that's basically it.
I miss having him here so much. It was such a nice break from the usual college boredom, semi-loneliness, and schoolwork. :( I can't wait until I see him again. So for now, it's back to what I've been doing for the past five months. Lots of joy and fun. Sigh.

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